Car Insurance Claim After A Car Accident In Ontario

Following a vehicle accident, you must know what happens next with the car insurance claim. You'll find basic principles of what you should know about Ontario automobile insurance claim settlement process after a vehicle here. This article isn't going to cover the steps to become done with the scene of an accident, that information are located in my article Car Accident? 10 Essential Things To Do Right After Also, the data provided on auto insurance is not legal counsel; just useful information for your own personel knowledge, so your whole car insurance policy claim process becomes not confusing. As well, you really should consider keeping a driver's emergency car kit as part of your car all the time, since you never know when an accident may happen, and you will need one.

Car Insurance Claim After A Car Accident In Ontario

NOTE: It's important that you simply speak together with your car broker after your vehicle accident to deal with and respond to your questions specific of your car wreck situation.

Making a Car Insurance Claim

In Canada, finally, before using a car , you have to insure it with a minimum of the minimum insurance plan. It is illegal to drive a motor vehicle in Ontario without having car insurance policy. After any motor vehicle accident involving vehicle damage over $1000, or damage to any person, you'll be able to request accident advantages of your auto insurance company. You must call your motor insurance company within seven (7) times the motor vehicle accident to report the accident, and make a car insurance policy claim.

Making claims means contacting your auto insurance company to tell them from the accident, offering the details surrounding that vehicle accident and requesting compensation for the losses and then for any personal injuries (including lost wages, damages to your vehicle, etc.) depending on your coverage.

If you may not call your car insurance policy company within seven days, or as quickly as possible (up to ninety days after the vehicle accident if you will find reasonable circumstances for your delay), your motor insurance company might not need to accept your claim.

Speaking With Your Car Insurance Company

When you call your motor insurance company and tell them of your car crash, they're going to most likely ask you a lot questions about the accident including:

when the car crash happened (date, some time and location)

your version products happened to cause the accident

additional driver's name and licence number

additional driver's insurance firm name

the auto insurance policy number in the other driver

the opposite driver's car information (car model, year, licence plate, etc)

the damage to the car if any; and

the name and badge number on the investigating police officer

Remember when speaking together with your insurance agent that they works for the auto insurance company. It is their claim adjuster's job to analyze the details of the car wreck and determine fault, settlement, and adherence on the policy terms. So, only proffer the data that is requested of yourself, don't claim fault , nor say greater than asked or needed.

Once you answer all your vehicle insurance agent's questions, complete any forms required and still provide them with any extra information that they're going to request, you could have reported your car crash and begun the automobile insurance claim settlement process.

Understanding No-fault Car Insurance

Ontario and most in the Canadian provinces have a very "no-fault" auto insurance system. This term is usually misunderstood to imply that no-one is a fault. This naturally is incorrect. Someone is often at fault; meaning someone is usually responsible to the accident in an auto accident.

No-fault automobile insurance simply means that every driver, despite who caused the vehicle accident, can negotiate using their own car insurance company for their car wreck claim and compensation, as an alternative to having to pursue each other for your money.

Auto Insurance Companies' Assessment of Fault

The claim process begun, it's now up to your car insurance company to look into the accident and discover how much fault, if any, to apportion to your account and another driver depending on the Fault Determination Rules perfectly found on the Insurance Act.

The Fault Determination Rules will be the tool all insurance agencies must use to assist them to determine fault. These rules undoubtedly are a list of associated with car collision situations against which the vehicle insurance companies must compare your state they assign fault (responsibility) percentages.

Fault is invested in each driver according to which accident scenario most closely matches the Fault Determination Rules. If the vehicle accident does not fit in any on the scenarios, then your rules of negligence laws takes precedence. Usually, a 50-50 determination is concluded should your version of the motor vehicle accident differs vastly from additional driver's, and then there isn't any witness evidence.

You can be found for being anywhere between 0 percent and 100 per cent to blame. If no agreement on fault is available, then this decision will have being made by taking the state they court. If that you are found responsible for any amount (over zero percent) on the auto accident, an at-fault” mark will probably be attached to your motor vehicle record, and more than likely your insurance costs will go standing on your renewal.

Accident Benefits - How Much and Who Pays?

Once fault percentage is resolute, the claim adjuster assigned on your case will contact you and also inform you of their decision concerning fault, and what benefits (also known as no-fault or statutory accident benefits) are covered according to your car insurance policy policy. The extent which you are the culprit is also what will likely be used to decide your future policy and auto insurance rates.

If you're deemed 100% NOT in the wrong, therefore you intend to sue one other driver for accepted losses including severe injury, income loss, or passenger death, you must contact them and their insurance firm to inform them within your decision to file a lawsuit.

How much benefits you is going to be paid is depending on your motor insurance policy coverage conditions and options. In Ontario, only Direct Compensation - Property Damage, Third-Party Liability, Statutory Accident Benefits, and Uninsured Automobile coverages need to be purchased lawfully. All other coverage offerings are optional and supplementary, according to what you want to fund and simply how much coverage you need in case of an accident.

Benefits Coverage

Statutory Accident Benefits

This coverage is one from the minimum motor insurance coverages you will need to take in the laws of Ontario. Statutory accident benefits cover basic benefits including health care, hospitalization, medicine, income replacement, funeral and death, as well as other benefits if you happen to be injured in an accident.


If you got optional collision coverage, your deductible will be according to your number of fault and also the deductible amount you selected once you boughtyour car insurance policy policy. Collision covers damages in your vehicle when you hit (or are hit by) another vehicle or object.

Collision - Car Damaged Irreparable

If your automobile can't be repaired safely, or if repairing your automobile properly would cost greater than its market (book) value on the time of the motor vehicle accident, then your car insurance company will "write it," and negotiate a cash payment without the deductible along, based on your car or truck's condition prior to accident and then any haggling, convincing, evidence of upgrade, etc. you provide. Market value would be the price your automobile "could have reasonably sold for that day before your auto insurance claim." The damaged car (called salvage) is currently the property of the vehicle insurance company.

Collision - Car Damaged Repairable

If your car or truck is repairable, your motor insurance company will repair the vehicle dependant on the conditions agreed upon as part of your policy. The insurance provider may let you end up picking the automobile repair center, or select one themselves. Regardless of who chooses the repair center, you happen to be responsible to the repairs being done properly through the shop, ensuring the cost on the repairs is no greater than the decided upon repair price with the insurance carrier, in case improvements are created (called betterment), that solely you will pay with the price for anyone improvements. Your automobile insurance policy rights enables you to have "similar kind and quality" repairs done, which means that your car or truck is repaired and returned to your account in near same or perhaps in better condition as before the motor vehicle accident.


If you prefered comprehensive coverage in your motor insurance policy, your deductible will be according to your amount of fault plus your selected deductible amount. Comprehensive coverages covers damage to your automobile by non-vehicular accidents including, fire, theft, hail, flood, etc.


If vehicle accident is at Ontario with a vehicle insured in Ontario, so you were found not to become at fault for the motor vehicle accident, then there isn't deductible to pay for, until you took out a deductible to relieve your car insurance policy premiums. Once you choose a deductible within your policy, you should pay the full deductible even if you happen to be not to blame. A deductible will be the dollar amount you opted to spend in the event of any sort of accident claim once you bought your insurance plan in order to lower the cost in the policy.

Direct Compensation - Property Damage

This coverage is one in the minimum automobile insurance coverages you have to take within the laws. Direct Compensation - Property Damage coverage permits you to receive benefits through your insurance provider from one other drivers insurer if you had been not responsible. If that you were found responsible and didn't buy collision coverage, all repairs to or replacement of your respective automobile could be your responsibility.

Third-Party Liability

Despite using a no-fault motor insurance system, there still exists a small right to go to court for additional costs and damages not covered because of the regulated insurance benefits. Third-Party Liability coverage deals together with the legal costs to be sued by another driver, had you been fully responsible for the motor vehicle accident.


Premiums are definitely the amounts you agreed to spend yearly for car insurance policy coverage. At fault marks within your insurance record from any auto accidents you were in could increase yearly motor insurance rates.

Property In Car

Any personal property destroyed in or stolen out of your car isn't covered under motor insurance policies. Therefore, no benefits apply. Tenant, Homeowners and Condominium Insurance are what covers any personal goods like clothes, shoes, small electronics, fishing gear, and etc. lost in an accident.

Uninsured Automobile

If you happen to be injured or the car damaged by an uninsured driver or even in a hit and run accident, Uninsured automobile coverage pays with the costs of repairs or assistance.


Once you have the arranged payment amount from the insurance adjuster, your claim is recognized as settled, after which it is approximately you to purchase a replacement car and begin driving again.


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