Why Do I Keep Having The Same Car Accident?

Tom (not his real name) can't believe what had just happened! For the fourth quantity of two years, he previously been hit again; every time the car have been on his left side. The first time, he was hit when he attemptedto merge into traffic from an on-ramp; others happened in the intersection, within a parking lot. Today he ran into a motor vehicle when he moved in to a passing lane. Prior to these accidents, he previously never been in the car accident and he previously not been intoxicated by any substances most of the four accidents. He reasoned that something have to be terribly wrong, though the visits to his doctor as soon as the accidents never revealed anything. He had become irritable and depressed as well as the frequent recurring wishes for the accidents drained his energy.

Perhaps you've had a similar experience as Tom. There is a pattern on the kinds of multiple accidents that keep occurring available for you and you happen to be left wondering what's wrong and the way to stop them from happening.

High Price To Pay

Multiple motor vehicle collisions that are similar are expensive in physical and emotional pain. If you might be injured inside same area repetitively, the discomfort can be intense and pain management becomes difficult.

In addition, the psychological pain can offer far-reaching and progressively worsening consequences. After the primary accident, driving might become an ordeal in your case and your passengers simply because you are so worried that you will find another accident. Following another accident, chances are you'll decide not to ever drive in any way and become determined by others for transportation. This leaves you feeling guilty since you don't like to impose in your friends and frustrated you could no longer come and go with your own time schedule. Over time these feelings may intensify on the point that you simply decide to not ask for a ride; isolation and depression permeate your lifetime every day.

Finally, based on the circumstances, chances are you'll face the humiliation and legal hassles that include losing your license. Now driving isn't even a choice.

How Does It Happen?

Why a similar accident keeps occurring could be due to many reasons. Some of these may be on account of reasons beyond the control. Other drivers do lose control and may even hit you'll when that you are driving defensively as is possible. Other times, the load may lie together with you. Without you knowing it, the body could be stuck within a threat response..

Stuck in the Threat Response

As we understand from the study of animals inside wild, animals and humans are built to go through a predictable number of biological steps once they encounter threat. If a step is skipped, trauma might result and you will get stuck in a very threat response. As a result, the chances that you simply would have much the same accident from the future increase. During an auto accident, you can really go to town one or maybe more of the following steps:

Step 1. Stop and startle

Step 2. Scan environmental surroundings to locate the threat. You do this by going through the oncoming car or barrier.

Step 3. Evaluate the situation to ascertain if it is dangerous.

Step 4. Fight or flee in the event the situation is dangerous or become immobile when it life threatening. While driving an auto, you ideally arrive at flee by navigating your vehicle away from danger.

In Tom's first accident the auto seemed to appear away from nowhere and he'd no time for you to react before he was hit. There simply wasn't enough time or space for him to finish any with the first four steps.

As often happens after any sort of accident, Tom were not sure to take time for you to let the shock of the items happen undertake his body. Instead, he got beyond his car and talked on the other driver, witnesses and police to resolve questions. In the hospital he provided wellness background and insurance information. Feeling embarrassed about not appearing under control, whenever his body attempt to release the shock by shaking, Tom forced himself to still. Over riding his impulse chill out, Tom returned to function the day after he was released on the emergency room.


As Tom's story illustrates, there was many biological steps that did not arrive at complete. Let's examine the aftermaths of each of these.

Step 1. Stop and startle Tom did not be able to stop and startle; consequently, he felt as if harm could come with virtually no warning. This anxiety and feeling that she was a sitting duck impaired his chance to relax enough to see your vehicle going with the red light on the second accident.

Step 2. Scan environmental surroundings to locate the threat. When Tom was hit the very first time, his vision quickly narrowed automatically in the attempt to seek out the other car and following the third accident his peripheral vision had become severely limited. In addition, he unconsciously avoided looking towards the left because that had been where danger had come. Consequently, he would not see additional car when he pulled out from the parking spot during his third accident.

Step 3. Evaluate the situation to view if it is dangerous. Tom would not have time for you to evaluate should the other car's proximity was dangerous. Consequently, it seemed like every car on the streets posed a threat. He became hyper-vigilant; he held his shoulders tensely as they gripped the tire. Without a relaxed body, he navigated your vehicle jerkily and became a hazard for some other drivers, who can't anticipate his shift changes. This tension contributed towards the last accident when he changed lanes.

Step 4. Fight or flee. His neck, arms and back were always tight given that they still held the impulse to relocate the tire so the automobile could get out in the way more danger. During the initial impact these movements never got to accomplish; if the force on the impact jerked his hands off of the wheel. He lived in constant pain.

Step 5. Release any residual energy and rest. Finally, Tom reported always feeling wired.” His sleep had not been restful; he often felt agitated and dreaded the need to drive. After three vehicle accidents, his central nervous system adapted on the high level of activation by containing the action. Even though he worked out in the attempt to relax, his body did not enable the tension flow out. Typical of trauma, he noted that even his digestion and blood pressure level were off.


If you've got experienced multiple accidents of much the same nature below are a few steps you may take to compliment your healing.

1. Put your safety knowning that of your passengers first. If you feel nervous about driving, it usually is a signal through your body which you are stuck within a threat response. Honestly assess regardless if you are able to drive the auto safely. If not, look for a competent driver to aid you until you can obtain support in moving with the trauma of your vehicle accidents.

2. Remind yourself that there are nothing shameful about being traumatized after any sort of accident. What happens in the car accident is finished by your unconscious mind that does which ever it can and keep you alive. Fortunately for you personally, that worked!

3. Find resources to assist you undergo the trauma. The book, Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide To Auto Accident Trauma & Recovery by Dr Diane Poole Heller, PhD, is a great step by step book to assist you undertake those places in which you are stuck inside a threat response.

4. Work with a therapist who understands how a body responds to auto accidents and knows how to operate in such a manner that does not overwhelm your central nervous system.

5. Trust that your nerves does indeed discover how to recover from an auto accident. You will discover the many ways that you just are indeed resilient; you will learn you could come through something terrible and recover just as soon as again envision a potential.


Some guidelines influenced our act as we looked over each with the four accidents. Understanding that as soon as of impact is usually the most frightening, we looked first at when he first felt safe and at the concepts happening ahead of impact. Gradually we moved time backward from your moment he felt safe and forward through the moments he entered the chance zone. At each step we checked to find out what his body would've wanted to do if there have been enough time and space. Imagining that the auto was immobilized with a good distance away allowed Tom's body to try and do the first four biological steps.

While we devoted to completing each on the biological measures in each accident, there are lots of interventions that had been particularly useful when you are each accident. In the very first accident, we ensured to insert a stern warning such as the sound on the oncoming car's horn into his story. This allowed him to get a startle. Throughout treatment, I invited Tom to monitor any spontaneous movement that wished to happen. Without either of people directing the movement, his head turned toward the opposite car; this allowed him to orient toward the original source of danger.

By working very slowly, one piece on the sequence for a time, he was also competent to integrate particles determining that they was in dangerous situations and had time for you to take corrective action. In several sessions, his arms seemed to levitate by themselves as they went throughout the movements of turning the leader away in the other car. Through a combined relaxation procedures for his eyes and welcoming Tom to appear around following impacts helped to regenerate his peripheral vision. By moving through all of the steps in each on the accidents, Tom was capable of discharge plenty of muscular tension and feel as part of his body how the accidents were finally behind him. Today, Tom does not have any more nightmares; he feels rested, digestion is back to normalcy, his pain is quite a bit less and his awesome driving is becoming smoother. He is feeling like his old confident self again when driving.


After your third accident, I thought it was just fate. I'm doomed to possess another vehicle accident.

A lots of people with your situation think way. No matter how cautious you attempt to be the accident still happens. As in Tom's case, chances are you'll not know your peripheral vision is impaired. In addition, you could unconsciously be always looking away through the threat as an alternative to toward it. This is your system's technique of wanting to help keep you from remembering something scary.

It's my fault; I wasn't focusing.

Yes, this could be the case. Sometimes passengers or phone calls can distract you. Sometimes, however, you could be stuck in a very threat response and never know it. Your body can be so braced against another accident you do not even realize that you simply aren't checking for other cars.

Every time I had a motor vehicle accident, the cop stated it was the opposite person's fault.

Regardless of who had previously been at fault, you could possibly still experience physical and emotional pain. It's not uncommon to feel pretty rattled after a car accident so that a confidence greatly diminishes. In addition, repetitive injuries to just one part with the body allow it to be vulnerable with injuries including people with nothing to do with automobile accidents. Your can start to think you could have less choices in everyday life where you feel safe.

In Summary
 Multiple similar automobile accidents can mean which you are stuck in a very threat response.
 The five steps in the threat you must complete so as to not be traumatized are

 Step 1. Stop and startle

 Step 2. Scan the surroundings to locate the threat.

 Step 3. Evaluate the situation to find out if it is dangerous.

 Step 4. Fight or flee in the event the situation is dangerous or become immobile whether it life threatening.

 Step 5. Release any residual energy and rest.
 What you do during a vehicle accident is away from conscious control
 Know that one could recover from a vehicle accident

Next Steps?

If you recently had an automobile accident, enable the involuntary movements happen.

No matter how recent the accident, consider using a therapist that may help you process the trauma that's still in your whole body. Just doing talk therapy that can help resolve the trauma symptoms rarely works.

Read books about how motor vehicle collisions affect the body. This can help to normalize the trauma symptoms.

Author's Bio:

I bring a complete of over 10 years experience to this particular kind of work. This has included over decade of experience with clients with serious dissociative disorders on account of prolonged childhood traumas.

Drawing upon my training to be a licensed massage therapist and to be a licensed professional counselor, I am skilled in working in ways in which help the client integrate and turn back the psychological, emotional and physical results of trauma.

Since 2004 along with maintaining a personal practice, I have worked inside public health sector being an emergency mental health clinician for anyone in crisis, shock and pain. As a life time learner, I am dedicated to ongoing professional development. This has included 5 years postgraduate specialized trained in treating trauma.

Holding a Masters of Arts degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy from Naropa University, I am an authorized professional counselor and adjunct faculty member at Naropa University. I am a graduate in the Hakomi Institute as well as Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing© trauma training plus a member from the International

Society to the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.


more...see below Oh, and I'm continuing NRT and ultizing homeopathy to assist with the pain sensation management. Otherwise I'd become a drug addict. Don't think that wouldn't have it's advantages though; it might. I may be dead of "natural causes" sooner if I did. I don't have medical health insurance though, so that's not really going to happen. Wow, anyone who thinks our life is good obviously were through what I have. Did I mention the belief that I lived in multiple countries and moved every couple weeks or months throughout my childhood because my father experienced a mental disorder, or that I lived through a war? Yah, they are more on the joys of my "great" life. I dare anyone who would judge me for not just "getting over it" to move through that much trauma but not want to kill themselves each day.

more... Unfortunately my sister-in-law's brother did that this past year, so he beat me for the punch and today I feel obligated to stay around despite not wanting to become here on earth in any respect. The families may possibly not endure another blow that way, nevertheless it sure would help it become easier for me. As it is, my illnesses are numerous, so I am praying daily that they'll be enough to avoid my beating heart sooner, naturally, as opposed to later. I am without passion or involvement in anything yet somehow cling to your only dream I ever really had, when I did have hopes to the future, that someday a male will love me knowning that someday, I will chose the happiness that's always eluded me.

more... I have been using Nutrition Response Testing and it is helped the patches of pain to your point where they are reduced by about 85%. However, I am still severely depressed, feel cursed, am anti-social and suicidal. I have even tried EMDR, that helped. But, with the end in the day, I am so lonely that I cannot function normally. I think the loneliness is the reason why the healing, really healing, impossible. As I was abandoned by my father as being a child, I am sure that each of the traumas I have had around my life including being raped for few months when I was five-years old by my step-brother, besides these auto accidents and not being capable of find men whom I love and want being with who wants being with me also, forever, are what cause me to feel like investing a bullet through my head.

Okay, so I've experienced 15 auto accidents now. The last one, 12 months and two months ago, was the only one which was my fault. My neurological system almost entirely crashed and patches of pain appear randomly everywhere my body. I am suicidal and depressed because after being rear-ended seven times in several years my back is harmed beyond repair. Apparently there's only a lot trauma that ligaments within the lower back (or any, even) may take before they can not do their job. So, my hips and the many bones during my torso float around, essentially. I have been paid to excellent chiropractors, so I am still competent to walk. But, because I cannot go exercise beyond walking for 5 minutes, including yoga and swimming, I have a resting pulse rate of 90/min.


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